Pirate Bunny Plushie Monster

He's kind of self-conscious about his pinkeye so try not to stare.

  • Pirate Bunny Plushie
  • Pirate Bunny Plushie
  • Pirate Bunny Plushie
  • Pirate Bunny Plushie
  • Pirate Bunny Plushie
  • Pirate Bunny Plushie
Pirate Bunny Plushie1 Pirate Bunny Plushie2 Pirate Bunny Plushie3 Pirate Bunny Plushie4 Pirate Bunny Plushie5 Pirate Bunny Plushie6

he's kind of self-conscious about his pinkeye so try not to stare. Made from white cotton blend material with felt eye patch and sewn heart, and button eyes.